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Invoice Terms & Conditions


Invoice TermsThis document, our Invoice Terms & Conditions as varied from time to time by us
Due DateThe final date when the invoice is payable without being classified as late or overdue
Party / PartiesEither You, Us or both You and Us
Remaining BalanceThe full value outstanding (unpaid) of all invoices less any credit notes issued to you by us
Us / Our / WeWebb Worlds Ltd, registered in England number 03251325
You / Your / ClientYou, our client, whose details are displayed on the front of the invoice


2.1 Payment is due on or before the Due Date displayed on each invoice. All accounts are strictly net, that is not subject to an early settlement discount.

2.2 Clients with recurring invoices, will have their invoices raised at least one week in advance.


3.1 If We owe You any monies for invoices You have issued to Us, contra account transactions will not be accepted except by prior arrangement. Each contra transaction must be agreed by both Parties prior to completion.


4.1 If You fail to pay any sums due to Us by the Due Date, We reserve the right to invoice You for interest on all overdue sums at the rate of 10% plus the Bank of England base rate for business to business transactions from the Due Date until payment is received in full. We will also invoice You a late payment fee for each overdue invoice of £25.00 GBP to cover the increased administration costs incurred by Us.

4.2 Should any invoices become overdue by more than 7 days, then all invoices We have issued to You regardless of the Due Date shall become immediately due and payable to Us without formal demand.

4.3 Any indulgence or delay on our part to claim payment of the Remaining Balance shall not be construed as a waiver on Your part.

4.4 If You fail to pay any invoices by the Due Date then You will be liable for all legal costs, debt collection agency fees and other expenses which are incurred in the recovery or attempted recovery of the overdue amounts from You.


5.1 Although We make every effort to avoid errors, should they occur You agree to notify Us of all errors in a timely manner, to afford rectification before the Due Date. The full invoice value will still become payable on or before the due date including any erroneous values in all cases where We have not been notified in a timely manner except at our sole discretion.


6.1 You agree to be governed by these Invoice Terms for the payment of all invoices and outstanding monies owed by You to Us. These Invoice Terms supersede all prior agreements and understanding between both Parties. In the event of any conflict between these Invoice Terms and those incorporated in any other form of offer or other correspondence or documentation submitted by You, these Invoice Terms shall take precedence.

6.2 The various provisions of these Invoice Terms are severable and if any of these provisions shall be held void, illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by any competent court jurisdiction then such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the remaining provisions of this agreement, unless We at our sole discretion decide that the effect of such declaration will defeat the original intention in which event We may be entitled to terminate the contract between both Parties by 7 days notice to You.

6.3 These Invoice Terms shall be governed by the laws of England and each Party submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.